Blog Patamu

Latest news on Copyleft & Copyright, events, press review and much more

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Patamu philosophy on the use of Creative Commons licences or copyright In Patamu we believe in free culture, and we believe that in many cases traditional copyright is not anymore suitable to the diffusion of wroks of art and culture, penalizing both the artist and the audience.For this reason we…
August 6th, 2014 The timestamping system is offline for technical reasons, we'll put it online again as soon as possible. Follow us on facebook and twitter for real time infos. Facebook: Twitter:  
Did you publish a creative work protected by this page you can download the graphics of the logo, to use it in your published work and show that you protected it with! If you included our logo on in your artwork, please tell us on  \n This email… \n This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and send us an image: we'll be happy to include it in our gallery ;)

Your creative work was correctly timestamped. You just received a confirmation mail,now you can download the .zip and the .tsr file from your "registered works" page. You have to conserve those files to be able to prove the authorship of your work. And don't worry, we'll conserve them too!If the…
Video Tutorials Text Guides Video Tutorials coming soon! Text guides How to deposit an artwork or creative work with the timestamping system How to choose the distribution license of your artwork
One of the biggest worries for an artist is to protect its artworks. Fears about plagiarism aren’t exactly unfounded: there have been many famous cases of plagiarism and plenty more have been alleged. Even when plagiarism is completely unintentional, it can be massively expensive and complicated to sort out. Patamus…
Latest news on Patamu 24 May 2014 Patamu goes international! We are translating Patamu into English, so that more and more people will be able to use it! There might be minor problems with the English page in the first days, in that case please tell us through the helpdesk,…
Welcome on Patamu! What can you do now? Complete your profile, so we can know each other better! Do you want to help us to know you better and thus offer you a better service? Complete now your profile (especialli the artist infos field): it'll help us to invent new project and…

Complete your profile, so we can know each other better!

Do you want to help us to know you better and thus offer you a better service? Complete now your profile (especialli the artist infos field): it'll help us to invent new project and services to support your creativity ;)