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Patamu philosophy on the use of Creative Commons licences or copyright
In Patamu we believe in free culture, and we believe that in many cases traditional copyright is not anymore suitable to the diffusion of wroks of art and culture, penalizing both the artist and the audience. For this reason we support the use of open licences, and we offer the service for free (with a fair-pay model) to all the creatives that share our same philosophy.
Nevertheless, in order not to impose contraints, we allow BASIC accounts to use also copyright licences, for a maximum of 5 works, keeping for them the "all rights reserved" status with which all creative works are born.
If you need to deposit more works with an "all rights reserved" status, then you can shift to an ADVANCED or PRO account, thus supporting the Patamu project on an economic point of view and helping, even if not directly, the diffusion of free licences :)
In fact all the resources invested in Patamu by our community are exclusively used to mantain and improve our services, and it is precisely for that reason that "Innovaetica" - the Startup which is powering patamu Project - is recognized in Italy as an innovative startup for public benefit ;)